Do you want to have a say in your dining program? There are several ways to share your comments, suggestions or questions.
Simply talk to a member of our team in the dining hall, we are happy to listen!
Comment cards are a quick and simple way to to make suggestions and to get your question answered. These are available in the dining halls.
Campus Living Council: A diverse group of students, faculty, and staff that meet once a month with the Resident District Manager and General Manager to discuss dining suggestions, ideas and events.
Take our dining survey! Each semester, you will have an opportunity to submit ratings, comments and feedback on our online survey platform.
Participate in Focus Groups and Open Forums where you can share thoughts and ideas within a room of campus and dining peers and leaders.
We appreciate your feedback, and want to be a part of making your dining service what you want it to be! Feel free to stop in and see us, leave a message below, or email us directly at um.dining@maine.edu.